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Showing posts with the label registration

Registering for Instrument Lessons and/or Group Classes

PRIVATE INSTRUMENT LESSONS We offer private one-on-one lessons for violin and fiddle, viola, mandolin, mandola, mandocello, guitar and electric bass, Irish bouzouki and tenor banjo.  During warm weather, lessons can be in person.  During cold weather (generally November - March), lessons are offered online using Google Meet (similar to Zoom). GROUP CLASSES During warm weather, we offer in-person group classes according to the following schedule: Mondays 7-8:30pm Classical Mandolin Group Wednesdays 7-8:30pm Mandolin for Beginners Group Thursdays 7-8:30pm Celtic Calamity (Celtic Group) Fridays 7-8:30pm Fiddle Fridays (Fiddle for Beginners/also Bluegrass Fiddle) In addition, we offer free LIVE broadcasts on Facebook Live, YouTube Live and sometimes Google Meet.  We will post information regarding these events on our events page! To register for musical instrument lessons or any of the group classes, fill out the form on this page: